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About Horus
Horus is the ePortfolio for foundation doctors in England. It has been developed and is maintained by NHS Health Education England. To find out more, please select the relevant option from the menu items.
October-December 2020
October-December 2020
2 December 2020
- New release:
- New portfolio overview layout: The portfolio overview page has been updated to be easier to use. Instead of scrolling through a single long page the information has now been split into tabs to make the information more accessible. Please note that these tabs are only related to the overview page and the rest of the FD/NTGs portfolio can still be navigated in the usual way.
- Enhanced filtering for portfolio contents: Filtering options for the portfolio contents page have been enhanced to give the users more options. The new options allow the user to view all contents in a whole rotation or placement, view a specific type of content or a combination of both.
12 November 2020
- New release: Temporary Reviewers - Administrators can now add Temporary reviewers to a foundation doctor's account. Once added a Temporary reviewer will have read-only access to the whole of the foundation doctor's portfolio for a specified period. Further information about Temporary Reviewers can be found here.
August-September 2020
August-September 2020
28 September 2020
11:00: Horus is now sending emails again - all emails generated between Friday and today have now been sent and there are no further email sending issues.
25 September 2020
Due to a technical issue, Horus is unable to send emails at the moment. This primarily affects password resets and requests/reminders to sign forms. Any action that generated an email beginning today 09:10 is currently held in a queue. The emails will be sent out once the issue is resolved. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
18 September 2020
New release: the pdf portfolio download now includes the lists of any FPCs a form has been mapped to and any other forms it has been linked with.
06 August 2020
The UK FP Curriculum Delivery Group have developed a helpful one-page information sheet (available on the UKFPO’s Sharing Best Practice page) on the importance of using the PSG to gain robust feedback about all foundation doctors (and specifically not just those who may require additional support). The PSG is part of the FP Curriculum 2016 and will be a part of the new curriculum as well. See our guidance on how to use the PSG feedback tool.
May-July 2020
May-July 2020
24 July 2020
- Welcome, new F1 doctors! Guidance to help you get started with Horus:
• How do I change my email address on Horus? |and| How do I reset my password for Horus?
• What do I do if my placement information is incorrect?
• How do I send a form to be signed by a trainer or assessor? |and| How do I sign a meeting form?
• Can I save a form as a draft?
• What are the mandatory certificates for the Foundation Programme? |and| What should I record for my PSA expiry date?• How do I link my Horus account to my e-LfH account?
• Timeline for Horus-related activities
• Mandatory Teaching Log- Let us know if we can help with anything - Contact details here
23 July 2020
- All foundation doctors are asked to complete the GMC National Training Survey (although this year it is not mandatory to do so). The survey is open 22 July - 12 August 2020.
22 July 2020
- Account activation for non-FiY1 FY1s: As in previous years, foundation school or LEP teams should send account activation emails to new starters. A change for this year is that a large proportion of incoming F1s already have Horus accounts through their interim FY1 placement – they don’t need (and can’t be sent) activation emails. Account activation emails can be sent in bulk and should be done by the first week of August.
7 July 2020
- Portfolio download - following forms now available:
• Self-TAB (if summary released to trainee)
• TAB summary (if released to trainee)
• PSG summary (if released to trainee)29 June 2020
- Updated forms for 2020-21 training year (small updates only):
• Combined Induction Meeting with Clinical Supervisor & Initial Meeting with Educational Supervisor
• Induction Meeting with Clinical Supervisor
• PDP progress (self-evaluation)24 June 2020
- Updates:
• "SAS doctor" is now a separate option in the 'trainer role' field of all SLEs
• "Physician Associate" is now a separate option in the "AHPs/Other" 'trainer role' category of Team Assessment of Behaviour (TAB)3 June 2020
- New feature: Curriculum sections (mapped content, descriptors and e-LfH links) can now be toggled on and off independently and over the top of each other (so you can see one, two or all three of them at the same time)
2 June 2020
- 2020-22 F1F2 cohort: doctors who are not undertaking a FiY1 placement have now had their Horus account created
- Foundation school and LEP teams have been asked to:
• Check the imported data
• Assign supervisors27 May 2020
- ARCP: Guidance to be used as a reference throughout the ARCP period
• How do I create an ARCP outcome form?
• How do I set up ARCP panel members for a foundation doctor's ARCP?
• How do I complete an ARCP outcome form?
• How do F1CCs/FPCCs get created?
• What do I do if I find an error in a completed ARCP outcome form?26 May 2020
- Interim Foundation Year 1 (FiY1) doctors
• All FiY1 doctors allocated by the UKFPO to date have been imported into Horus
• Foundation school teams have been asked to:
* ensure that FiY1 placements are assigned to the correct trust
* email the Horus Helpdesk with details of any doctors who have withdrawn from their FiY1 placement21 May 2020
- COVID-19 ARCP outcome 10.2 (and its C codes) added to the ARCP outcome form
• Outcome 10.2 guidance: UKFPO ARCP Outcomes Operational Guidance
March-April 2020
March-April 2020
28 April 2020
- "FiY1" placement label 'toggle' released today. Administrators can find this at the end of the "Rotations Summary" page for each doctor.
- As per the process below, administrators should not manually add FiY1 doctors to Horus at the moment - this is being managed centrally. The toggle is to correct any errors/update placements for FiY1s created manually before the central import was completed.
27 April 2020
- All FiY1 doctors allocated to locations in England have received their Horus ePortfolio login today!
- Foundation schools have been asked to check and update placement details with exact information (and let trust administrators know when they can access their FiY1 accounts)
• We have added a "FiY1" filter to the FD list page
• FiY1 doctors will not show in the ARCP overview (admin) page
• We will add the filter to other list/report pages over the next few weeks
- FiY1s allocated from now on will receive their Horus login about 2 days after confirmation of their FiY1 foundation school
• Exact placement details will be added first by the foundation school and then updated by the trust team
- We are working on adding the new ARCP outcome 10 to the ARCP outcome form
- The UKFPO have published and are keeping updated a series of FAQs regarding how COVID-19 is affecting the training of FiY1 and F1/F2 doctors.
8 April 2020
- Here is a link to the UKFPO's ARCP 2020 requirements guidance. Further information can be found on the UKFPO's Curriculum page.
7 April 2020
- New release:
• 'Concerns' filter: Administrator can now filter their list of FDs/NTGs to show just those who have unresolved concerns (using the "Advanced filters" section in the "Foundation Doctors" admin list). Further guidance can be found here.
• 'Concerns' on ARCP panel member list page: ARCP panel members will see highlighted any FDs they have been assigned to review who have unresolved concerns.
3 April 2020
- We have made small but significant changes to e-portfolio functionality to support users in following new UKFPO ARCP guidance (for 2020 only):
• ARCP panels minimum 2 people required - reduced from 3
• CS end of placement report - most fields changed to not mandatory
-- One question must be completed - “Does this foundation doctor satisfy the expected outcomes of this placement, at this stage of training?”• ES end of year report - most fields changed to not mandatory
-- Two questions must be completed - “This foundation doctor has met or exceeded the minimum expected level of performance for each of the 20 foundation professional capabilities” and “Please provide comments to support and justify assessment”• Mandatory teaching log totals colour coding
-- Total must 30 hours of core or non-core - will show as green once 30 hours logged (was 60 hours)
-- No minimum core required now - total will show as default black (was 30 hours)• Summary of evidence report
-- No text/counting changes will be made
-- An information banner will be seen on this and a number of other pages confirming that the UKFPO ARCP guidance overrides all the usual rules1 April 2020
- F1/F2 placement 3 updates in response to COVID-19: Local teams (either foundation school teams or postgraduate centre teams) have been asked to make all required changes manually, using the standard Horus tools. Foundation schools have been sent further details.
- We are working on streamlining the process of copying placement 2 information to placement 3 – a small bit of new functionality will be available by early next week.
24 March 2020
- During this difficult period the UKFPO understand that foundation doctors and trainers may find it difficult to create foundation training content in their e-portfolio in a timely manner. To assist you, we have removed the 3-month time limit for creating content, so you can create and complete content for any placement that ended in or after September 2019. We will continue to monitor the situation and review as required.
- Reminder – Releasing Team Assessment of Behaviour (TAB) summary: If you are the educational supervisor for a foundation doctor/NTG and they have completed a TAB, please ensure that the TAB summary has been completed: instructions here.
January-February 2020
January-February 2020
10 February 2020
- New release: Portfolio download (available to FDs only) can now be sorted by form type as well as date created (that is, all CBDs together, all ES end of placement reports together, etc). Further enhancements to the portfolio download will follow in the next few months.
8 January 2020
- New release: PSG portfolio page improvement - users can now see at a glance whether any feedback has been requested or received for any placement, without navigating to the placement
December 2019
December 2019
12 December 2019
- New release: "Known as" field added to all user profiles (to help those who use a different first name in day to day life compared to their GMC-registered first name)
- NETS: Foundation doctors have until tomorrow, Friday 13 December, to complete the HEE National Education and Training Survey (NETS)
- End of placement one: Important reminders in the UKFPO bulletin. Users can only add forms to placement one for up to three months after the end - that is, until 2 March 2020.
November 2019
November 2019
29 November 2019
- New release: completed PSG individual feedback forms can be accessed directly from the CS end of placement report (except by foundation doctors, to maintain anonymity).
28 November 2019
- Apologies to users affected by yesterday's down time. This was caused by a database issue and related to our cloud service provider. We are investigating how to avoid such issues in the future.
27 November 2019
- 17:00 Horus ePortfolio website temporarily down or slow - we are investigating; apologies for the inconvenience. Many users should still be able to use the system.
- 20:30 Website back up and running
11 November 2019
- Horus ePortfolio was down, following an upgrade and essential maintenance, from 9pm on Sunday until 8.30am today (Monday). Apologies for the inconvenience caused. The site is up and fully functional again now.
- New release: "Follow on forms" to help joint CS/ESs complete all the required end of placement forms
- We're working on and regularly releasing lots of small improvements. The next big release will likely be in January 2020.
October 2019
October 2019
25 October 2019
- Lots of small updates and fixes released today
- We are working behind the scenes to improve the efficiency of the website. Next release of new/updated features planned for mid-late November.
8 October 2019
- New feature released today:
• Mandatory teaching log administrator report (Admin menu > Form count reports > Mandatory teaching log)
1 October 2019
- New feature released today:
• Any PSG summaries released for a foundation doctor are now shown as a quick link inside the clinical supervisor's end of placement report
August-September 2019
August-September 2019
Summary of new core content features released since the start of the new training year:
- All described in “UK FP E-portfolios key changes for 2019-20”)
- Updated forms ("Reflection", "Induction meeting with CS" and "Combined initial meeting with ES/induction meeting with CS") 1 August
- Updated form ("PDP") 1 August
- New form/process ("Mandatory teaching log") 6 August
-- Logged hours validation changed from rounding to nearest hour to nearest half hour 4 September- New form ("Learning encounter and reflection note (LEARN)") 16 August
- Updated CS and ES "end of placement report" forms (question about PDP progress) 22 August
- New form ("General meeting") 22 August
- New form ("LEADER") 4 September
17 September 2019
- New features released today:
• Small changes to TAB assessor category drop downs (core content)
• Extra warnings when selecting some/major concern on self-TAB and TAB rater forms (to help reduce these being selected in error)9 September 2019
- New features released today:
• Updated "Supervising" page - supervisors now see their supervised FDs/NTGs organised into 'past', 'current' and 'future' tabs (supervisor only feature)
• NTG filters added to all form count reports (administrator only feature)7 August 2019
- Uploads error: Some users are experiencing problems attaching files to forms. We are trying to identify the cause of the problem and will post an update here when it's resolved.
- Uploads error resolved at lunchtime today. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
6 August 2019
- New features released today:
• Updated "PDP" form (can attach external documents)
• New process for logging mandatory teaching in Horus
(Administrator overview report will be released in September)5 August 2019
- New features released today:
• Updated curriculum mapping process (maximum 5 mappings to each FPC and maximum 5 mappings for each portfolio item) -> Guidance for this process
• Guidance for the new logging mandatory teaching process in Horus -> The process itself will be released on 6 August 20191 August 2019
- New features released today (described in “UK FP E-portfolios key changes for 2019-20”):
• Updated "Reflection" form (new structure and updated guidance)
• Updated "Induction meeting with CS" and "Combined initial meeting with ES/induction meeting with CS" forms (potential PSG members to be listed and question about competence in procedures)- The UKFPO have updated their website with lots of information about new processes and forms:
• Curriculum
• E-portfolio
• ARCP- New features due to be released later this month:
• Updated curriculum mapping process (maximum 5 mappings to each FPC and maximum 5 mappings for each portfolio item)
• Updated "PDP" form (can attach external documents)
• New process for logging mandatory teaching in Horus
• New forms ("General meeting"; "LEADER"; "LEARN")
• Updated "TAB" form (number of assessor 'role' additions/amendments)
• Updated CS and ES "end of placement report" forms (question about PDP progress)
July 2019
July 2019
30 July 2019
- Welcome, new F1 doctors! Guidance to help you get started with Horus:
• How do I change my email address on Horus? |and| How do I reset my password for Horus?
• What do I do if my placement information is incorrect?
• How do I send a form to be signed by a trainer or assessor? |and| How do I sign a meeting form?
• Can I save a form as a draft?
• What are the mandatory certificates for the Foundation Programme? |and| What should I record for my PSA expiry date?
• How do I link my Horus account to my e-LfH account?
• Timeline for Horus-related activities22 July 2019
- New features for August 2019: The “UK FP E-portfolios key changes for 2019-20” presentation is now available. It has also been emailed to UK foundation school teams.
- Most new features described in the presentation will be available from 1 August 2019. Some will be released during August 2019 (to be confirmed).
- Administrators should remember to send account activation emails to new foundation doctors (FDs) this month.
(New FDs can also activate their own account by using the password reset process.)16 July 2019
- Releasing F1CCs/FPCCs: More than half (57%) of F1CCs/FPCCs have not yet been released to foundation doctors.
• Foundation school teams should release certificates as soon as all the requirements have been met.
• F2 doctors must complete the Career Destination Survey before they are eligible for their FPCC.
• 53% of F1CCs and 62% of FPCCs have not yet been released.- 2019-20 training year: Any changes in foundation doctor allocations should now be managed locally. See entry below for guidance.
- New features for August 2019: a “Key changes” presentation will be available on this page (and the UKFPO website) next week. It will also be emailed to UK foundation school teams.
9 July 2019
- Following last week’s allocation of reserve list applicants to the Foundation Programme, HEE local office/foundation school teams have been asked to arrange for these new accounts to be created manually on Horus. We will not run another bulk import into the system.
- Creating new foundation doctor accounts:
• Create new user (guidance)
• Create new FD (GMC number not live yet) (guidance)
• New user created without placements - how to find them (guidance)
• Account activation (guidance)
• Create new rotation (guidance)- 'Moving' foundation doctor accounts:
• Transfers to your trust (from the same foundation school) (guidance)
• Transfers to your trust (from another foundation school) (guidance)- Foundation school/trust admin teams are also required to (as explain on 24 June 2019)
• Delete any non-starters (guidance)
• Assign supervisors (guidance)
• Add military appointments (guidance)
• Add LTFT/out of synch/extender/repeater information (guidance)2 July 2019
- 2019-21 F1F2 cohort
• See June 2019 Updates page for administrator actions required now
• Near the end of July 2019, administrators may wish to send activation emails to new foundation doctors
• New foundation doctors can also activate their own account by using the password reset process
• Most new foundation doctor accounts include their GMC, which for most won't be live on the GMC register until the end of July. Doctors who log in before their GMC registration is live will see a warning message on their account. No action needs to be taken - Horus will synchronise all new GMC numbers once they're live in the register.
- New/updated features release plan:
• E-LfH "deep links" have been added to the curriculum (FDs/NTGs can now navigate directly to a relevant e-LfH module from their Horus curriculum)
• A number of new forms and processes have been scheduled to be available on 1 August 2019
• We are focussing on getting all UK-wide new requirements in place by the start of the training year - there will be no new functionality released until the end of July 2019.
June 2019
June 2019
24 June 2019
- Import of 2019-21 F1F2 cohort (including 2019-20 F2 standalone appointments) complete!
1. Basic personal and rotation details for most foundation doctors recruited through Oriel
2. Programme details for current F1s in HEE who have accepted an F2 standalone programme in HEEFoundation school/trust admin teams now need to
• Check the imported data
• Delete any non-starters (guidance)
• Assign supervisors (guidance)
• Add military appointments (guidance)
• Add LTFT/out of synch/extender/repeater information (guidance)- New/updated features released:
• Ability to copy an educational supervisor assigned to one placement to all the other placements in that rotation
• Updates to the rotation creation process to make this clearer
- ARCP and certificates
• HEE foundation school teams have been sent guidance on how to release F1CCs/FPCCs
• Trust staff should contact their local foundation school team if they have questions about this
• Horus guidance
How do F1CCs/FPCCs get created?
How do I view and download an F1CC/FPCC?19 June 2019
- The speed and performance of Horus has been excellent for most users during the ARCP period.
- HEE foundation school teams have been sent guidance on how to edit/delete ARCP outcome forms and how to release F1CCs/FPCCs.
Postgraduate centre staff should contact their local HEE foundation school team if they have any queries about this.- We are planning a number of 'releases' of new functionality and information next week and during July, including
• Import of 2019-21 F1F2 cohort
• Rotation updates for current F1s who have accepted F2 standalone appointments
• Ability to copy an educational supervisor assigned to one placement to all the other placements in that rotation
• Updates to the rotation creation process to make this clearer
• New forms and processes for the 2019-20 training year
5 June 2019
- We will not release any new functionality until the end of this month (so that there are no changes while ARCPs are being run).
- We are constantly monitoring the speed and performance of Horus - everything is running well.
May 2019
May 2019
13 May 2019
• Improvements to the ARCP list page for ARCP panel members/chairs: ordered with earliest panel taking place first and basic filtering (last two weeks, next 7 days, next 3 weeks, everything).
9 May 2019
• Signature request email failures are now highlighted with a red triangle on the foundation/NTG doctor Home page, on the "Awaiting" tab.
FDs/NTGs can use this information to decide whether they need to find a new email address, a new assessor/trainer or to just re-send the signature request.• Curriculum now has "Show", "Hide", "Show all" and "Hide all" options for FPCs (so you can focus on one or some FPCs at a time without needing to scroll through all the ones before them).
- 2019-21 F1-F2 import
• We have now received the Oriel report from the UKFPO for 2019-21 F1-F2 account creation and rotation import into Horus. This includes all foundation doctors allocated through Oriel - F1s and F2 standalone appointments.
• The process will be the same as last year - details will be circulated to HEE foundation schools shortly. [UPDATE: Circulated 22 May 2019)
• We need at least 2 weeks to process this information and we aim to import it into Horus in early June 2019.
• The data will then be available for administrators to check and amend if required and then to assign supervisors.
3 May 2019
- The Horus website was unavailable between 19:45 and 20:55 last night. This was due to an Azure connectivity issue (Azure is HEE's cloud service provider). Further information available on the Azure website. No data was compromised during this outage and service was fully restored by Azure last night.
1 May 2019
• ES's "curriculum progress rating" can now be updated by FPDs and ARCP chairs.
April 2019
April 2019
30 April 2019
• ARCP panel members can now be copied from another ARCP outcome form when creating a new outcome form.
26 April 2019
• Summary of "concerns" raised about an FD visible to supervisors, ARCP panels and administrators in the ARCP Summary of Evidence (SoE) report
• Faster way to create "editable" SoEs on the ARCP overview (administrators only)
- Further smaller releases on the way in preparation for ARCP
- Processes in place for 2019-21 F1-F2 account creation and rotation import --> same process as last year. Further details will be published nearer the time (May 2019).
16 April 2019
• TAB 'form count' report for administrators
• Form R shown on ARCP Summary of Evidence (SoE) report - at the end of the report
• ARCP outcome form (OF) now populates 'number of days out of training' reported by the foundation doctor (FD) in the Form R even if Form R is completed after the ARCP OF is drafted (will not over-write an existing ARCP administrator's/panel's entry though)
• FD will receive an auto-email when their ARCP OF is ready to sign (that is, once the ARCP panel chair has signed it)
- REMINDER: FDs can evidence completion of the GMC NTS by creating a ‘Quality Improvement’ form and entering into the "Achievement" field: "GMC NTS - Completion Code xxxxxxxxxxxx".
- REMINDER: NTG doctors, trust administrators and foundation school teams should continue checking that NTG doctors have been marked correctly in Horus.
If you are an NTG doctor (that is, NOT on a recognised foundation training programme), you should see "[NTG]" next to your name on all your 'Portfolio' menu pages:
--> If you do not see this label, please contact your local Horus administrator to get this corrected.
--> Administrators, if you need assistance with this, please contact the Horus Helpdesk.
March 2019
March 2019
21 March 2019
• F2 doctors who completed and uploaded ALS in F1 will see this showing in their F2 ARCP summary of evidence report - the certificate no longer needs to be uploaded again.
• Forms mapped to the curriculum have an icon next to them in portfolio 'Contents', for an easier overview of which items have been mapped.
- REMINDER: CS and ES end of placement reports for placement 2 are now due. Don't leave these till the last minute!
- REMINDER: NTG doctors, trust administrators and foundation school teams should continue checking that NTG doctors have been marked correctly in Horus.
If you are an NTG doctor (that is, NOT on a recognised foundation training programme), you should see "[NTG]" next to your name on all your 'Portfolio' menu pages:
--> If you do not see this label, please contact your local Horus administrator to get this corrected.
--> Administrators, if you need assistance with this, please contact the Horus Helpdesk.7 March 2019
• Home page now shows foundation/NTG doctors forms they've sent to trainers that are still waiting for a signature.
• Home page lists of forms requiring action re-organised for all users into 'tabs' with form counts (3 tabs for FDs/NTGs; 2 tabs for trainers/administrators).
• Curriculum overview now shows a count for each foundation professional capability (FPC) of number of mapped items.
• TAB self and rater forms have colour coded 'no concern' (green), 'some concern' (amber), 'major concern' (red).
- The deadline has passed for CS and ES end of placement reports for placement 1 to be created and signed (4 March 2019). See what to do if you have missed the deadline.
- Foundation doctor or non-training grade (NTG) doctor checks:
• Horus accounts for NTG doctors are created by NHS trust administrators and it is well understood that NTGs are not on the Foundation Programme. It is important that these accounts are labelled as “NTG”. Sometimes, mistakes or misunderstandings occur. Trust and HEE local office administrators should perform regular checks to ensure that only doctors on the Foundation Programme are labelled as ‘F1’/’F2’. NTGs labelled incorrectly as foundation doctors will appear on the ARCP list in Horus – this must be avoided, as NTG doctors are not eligible to receive Foundation Programme ARCP documents.
• Administrators in NHS trusts are responsible for ensuring that all NTGs are labelled correctly.
• ACTION: Please check everyone has been labelled correctly during March 2019, in preparation for ARCP in June.
4 March 2019
- NEW RELEASE! PSG individual feedback forms can now be collected into an anonymised PSG summary, which can be released to foundation/NTG doctors (similar idea to the TAB summary).
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Forms can be created, edited (where appropriate) and signed up to 3 months after the end of the placement they're attached to. This means that, for example, CS and ES end of placement reports for placement 1 (1 August - 4 December 2018) can only be created and signed until today, 4 March 2019. See what to do if this deadline has been missed.
February 2019
February 2019
25 February 2019
- NEW RELEASE! CS and ES end of placement reports are now summarised in a 'mini-report' on the Portfolio Overview page (under the SLE mini-report)
- ONE WEEK REMAINING! Forms can be created, edited (where appropriate) and signed up to 3 months after the end of the placement they're attached to. This means that, for example, CS and ES end of placement reports for placement 1 (1 August - 4 December 2018) can only be created and signed until 4 March 2019.
18 February 2019
- The previous version of Horus ("NW Horus"), used until July 2017, has now been archived. The archived version ("North West Horus archive") can be found here. All users of this system need to reset their password before they can log in.
- We will be releasing a number of smaller enhancements in the next week or two. We are also aiming to release the "PSG summary" shortly.
January 2019
January 2019
31 January 2019
- We have been working hard developing lots of small and large enhancements to the system. Many of these will be released next month.
- We have just met with the UK foundation e-portfolio user group ("e-TAG") and the curriculum delivery group (CDG). We will be planning how to deliver all of the agreed changes over the next few weeks.
10 January 2019
- Horus ePortfolio January 2019 Update published
7 January 2019
- NEW RELEASE! The labelling and management of concerns raised in assessments about foundation doctors.
- Between August 2018 and January 2019 we have now made the following big new features available:
• e-LfH - import of all courses completed (not just "Foundation (FND)")
• Download portfolio
• PSG feedback collection overhaul
• Concerns labelling and managementAnd the following smaller features:
• Auto-pop up when a CS who is also an ES completes either a CS end of placement report or an ES end of placement report reminding them to complete the other one as well (if they haven’t already)
• Auto-email to a user when their location/access type permissions are changed
• List of all your current location/access type permissions on “My account details” pageOur next priority is the PSG feedback summary, following which we will focus on clearing our backlog of smaller high priority jobs.
December 2018
December 2018
17 December 2018
- The Support Site was back online on Sunday, as planned.
14 December 2018
- NEW RELEASE! The (phase one) upgrade to the placement supervision group (PSG) feedback gathering process is now live! Our user guides have been updated.
* Phase one = CS, ES, FPD, any administrator can request/view feedback; the whole process is managed through the FD’s portfolio; feedback is requested against a placement; no more ‘rounds’ concept – just placement groupings
* Phase two = Summary report; ability to release to FD- HEE's National Education and Training Survey (NETS) launched on 12 November 2018. Foundation doctors should have already received a link to the survey by email. If you have not received a link then the survey can be accessed here. The survey closes TODAY on 14 December. If you have any queries about the survey, please contact NETS@hee.nhs.uk.
- The Support Site will be offline for a few hours today from 12:00 for essential maintenance - probably for a few hours, possibly until 12:00 on Sunday 16 December, depending on how the work progresses.
10 December 2018
- HEE's National Education and Training Survey (NETS) launched on 12 November 2018. Foundation doctors should have already received a link to the survey by email. If you have not received a link then the survey can be accessed here. The survey closes on 14 December. If you have any queries about the survey, please contact NETS@hee.nhs.uk.
- Upcoming releases: We're working hard on finalising the upgrade to the placement supervision group (PSG) feedback gathering process and the management of concerns.
- The Support Site will be offline for a few hours on the afternoon of Friday 14 December for essential maintenance - or possibly until 12:00 on Sunday 16 December, depending on how the work progresses.
November 2018
November 2018
26 November 2018
- 145 portfolio downloads completed already!
- HEE's National Education and Training Survey (NETS) launched on 12 November 2018. Foundation doctors should have already received a link to the survey by email. If you have not received a link then the survey can be accessed here. The survey closes on 14 December. If you have any queries about the survey, please contact NETS@hee.nhs.uk.
- NEW RELEASE! HEE FP E-portfolio Archive: The transfer of 2017-18 data from NES ePortfolio has been completed! Next time relevant users log in, they will see data collected during 2017-18 as well as before August 2017.
23 November 2018
- NEW RELEASE! The "Download portfolio" functionality for foundation doctors is now live!
• Foundation doctors will see this new entry in their "Portfolio" menu.
• The process is self-explanatory (please read the notes on the "Start download" page though), but we will publish some guidance shortly.
• During quiet times of the day a download will take under 5 minutes. Please allow longer during peak hours.
• Although we have made every effort to test this, foundation doctors should check the contents of their download and contact our Helpdesk if anything doesn't look right.
- End of placement reports reminder: Forms can be created, edited (where appropriate) and signed up to 3 months after the end of the placement they're attached to.
• This means that, for example, CS and ES end of placement reports for placement 1 (1 August - 4 December 2018) can only be created and signed until 4 March 2019.
• Foundation doctors and their clinical/educational supervisors should meet to complete these forms ideally by mid-December.
• Clinical supervisors should also be gathering PSG feedback, to help inform their end of placement report.
- HEE FP E-portfolio Archive update on 2017-18 data transfer from NES ePortfolio: we have been working hard to make these data available. We are now nearing the end of this process and should be able to make the data accessible to relevant users very soon.
October 2018
October 2018
29 October 2018
- 10:00 Horus ePortfolio back up and running. There was an issue with the Azure cloud service provider. We will be investigating in detail what happened with the Azure team. Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused users.
- 08:30 Horus ePortfolio still not accessible: Apologies to all users - the e-portfolio has not been accessible since Saturday. We are investigating the issue.
28 October 2018
- Horus ePortfolio not accessible: Apologies to all weekend users - the e-portfolio is currently not working. We are investigating the issue. It may not be available for the rest of the day.
26 October 2018
- Timeline of Horus-related activities for trust and HEE staff published
24 October 2018
- PSG: Clinical supervisors (CSs) may want to start requesting feedback from members of the placement supervision group (PSG) who work with their supervised foundation doctors (FDs). This will help inform the CS end of placement report.
• We are making good progress on functionality to allow educational supervisors, foundation programme directors and administrators to also be able to request and view PSG feedback. This enhanced functionality should be available by the end of November 2018.
• Meanwhile, CSs should continue to request feedback in the usual way.
• This year already, 191 PSG individual feedback forms have been completed for 89 FDs in England.
• The PSG feedback summary report will be available later on during the training year.
- Portfolio download: We are making good progress on functionality to allow FDs to download their whole portfolio as a pdf bundle. This functionality should be available by the end of November 2018. Meanwhile, individual documents can easily be printed or ‘printed to pdf’.
- Concerns: We are also working on highlighting any forms containing concerns, highlighting in list pages FDs who have had concerns submitted about them and creating the "concerns management" page.
10 October 2018
- HEE FP E-portfolio Archive – Update on 2017-18 migration
• Work continues on migrating 2017-18 HEE-related NES ePortfolio data into the HEE FP E-portfolio Archive. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by this dataset not currently being available to view.
• In case of any urgent requirement for documents, please contact websupport@hee.nhs.uk for a discussion.
• Note that information collected before August 2017 remains available to all relevant users.
- TAB - Reminders
• Many foundation doctors (FDs) will be starting their Team Assessment of Behaviour (TAB) feedback collection this month. We have lots of information on this website about how to manage TAB in Horus.
• Notes:
- If a FD has a previous rotation (for example, 2017-18 F1), they should make sure they select their current rotation when starting TAB.
- Only one ‘active’ TAB is possible at any one time. If a FD sees this message: “A new TAB cannot be started until the latest TAB has had a "TAB Summary" form completed.” they should ask their educational supervisor/local administrator to check their previous rotation and complete the TAB summary form there.
August-September 2018
August-September 2018
Important information on this page about:
• HEE FP E-portfolio Archive
• e-LfH course completion import
• Portfolio download functionality
• Highlighting “concerns” functionality
• Reminder about correctly recording NTG rotations
21 September 2018
- e-LfH import update:
• The full import is now working! Foundation doctors (and their supervisors and administrators) can now see all e-learning courses they have completed in e-LfH, regardless of which e-LfH "programme(s)" they're attached to.
19 September 2018
- e-LfH import update:
• We have been working on importing the results of all modules completed by foundation doctors in e-LfH (not just those linked to the "Foundation (FND)" e-LfH programme) over the past few weeks. To finalise the development work, we stopped the import completely on Monday 17 September. This means that no new module completions have been imported into Horus since Monday. We will be starting the import again either on Friday or early next week.
• There is no error in the system - this is part of our process of testing the new, much larger dataset that we are now receiving from e-LfH. Apologies for any inconvenience experienced during this short pause in the e-LfH import.
• An update will be posted here on Friday.
10 September 2018
- System updates:
• Users are now emailed whenever their organisation permissions are changed (additions / removals are summarised in the email).
• On the "My account details" page, we now list each user's organisation permissions (including the full history of expired ones).
[Does not apply to foundation doctors, whose permissions stem from their placements.]6 September 2018
- HEE FP E-portfolio Archive: As previously advertised (see 26 June entry), 2017-18 e-portfolio data is currently being migrated from the NES ePortfolio and is not available for users to view. We had planned to complete this work by mid-September but have experienced a couple of delays. We will try to have this information available by early October.
• Information collected before August 2017 remains available to all relevant users.
- Developments during August
• We’ve been busy checking and optimising our systems and making small but important tweaks.
• e-LfH: we had planned to start importing foundation doctors’ completion of courses belonging to any e-LfH programme. We have come across an unexpected challenge with this and will therefore only be able to implement this later on during September. Import of “Foundation (FND)” courses continues unaffected.
- Our top priorities for the next two months are
• allowing foundation doctors to download their portfolio from Horus (we will release this in phases - more information will be published as it is available.
• showing a warning icon against any form submitted for a foundation doctor with either "some concern" or "major concern" selected and allowing supervisors and administrators to 'manage' these icons.
• allowing educational supervisors and programme directors/administrators to view individual PSG feedback, the creation of an anonymised PSG feedback summary report and the ability to release this to the foundation doctor.
• making clearer which forms joint educational and clinical supervisors should be completing at the end of the placement (note: it’s both the clinical supervisor’s end of placement report and the educational supervisor’s end of placement report).
- For more information, see the Horus developments roadmap.
- REMINDER - ACTION REQUIRED: Foundation school and trust administrators should check that all 2018-19 non-foundation doctors have been assigned “NTG” rotations.
• For more information see the July Updates page (12 July 2018 entry)
- 2017-18 (Development and process updates)
Newsletters and statements that have been published from March 2016 to the present are available to view in the list below. Each link will open in a new page.
- View: January 2019 Horus update
- View: July 2018 project update
- View: May 2018 project update
- View: March 2018 project update
- View: February 2018 project update
- View: January 2018 project update and important guidance for current users
- View: December 2017 project update and important guidance for current users
- View: November 2017 project summary
- View: October 2017 update for trust and HEE staff
- View: September 2017 project summary
- View: August 2017 Horus ePortfolio update - FAQs
- View: August 2017 project summary
- View: July 2017 project summary
- View: April 2017 update for foundation doctors in England
- View: HEE Foundation Programme NES ePortfolio data archiving information and guidance
- View: March 2017 update for trust and HEE staff
- View: January 2017 update for trust and HEE staff
- View: January 2017 update for trust staff on training arrangements
- View: January 2017 presentation at the National Foundation Doctor Presentation Day
- View: July 2016 update for UK medical schools
- View: July 2016 Horus ePortfolio statement for 2015-16 F2s - about to complete foundation
- View: March 2016 Horus ePortfolio statement for 2016-17 F1s
How many forms have been completed in Horus as of 10 August 2017?
Form name
Number created
Back to August 2017 updates.
How many forms have been completed in Horus as of 18 August 2017?
Form name Number created PersonalDevelopmentPlan 5029 CombinedInductionAndInitialMeeting 2269 InductionMeetingWithClinicalSupervisor 1766 Reflection 1685 InitialMeetingWithEducationalSupervisor 1533 CourseSeminarOtherLearningAttended 787 ProcedureNonCore 166 TeachingOthers 81 InterestingCase 74 Exam 62 Publication 43 ExtraCurricularAchievements 30 AdditionalActionPlan 24 Taster 14 InitialMeetingWithAcademicSupervisor 11 Research 11 MidPlacementReview 6 ClinicalSupervisorsEndOfPlacementReport 1 SLE/CP form name Number created CoreProcedure 57 MiniClinicalEvaluationExercise 51 CaseBasedDiscussion 38 DirectObservationOfProceduralSkills 33 DevelopingTheClinicalTeacher 2 Back to August 2017 updates.
How many forms have been completed in Horus as of 25 August 2017?
Form name Number created PersonalDevelopmentPlan 7409 CombinedInductionAndInitialMeeting 3295 Reflection 2794 InductionMeetingWithClinicalSupervisor 2697 InitialMeetingWithEducationalSupervisor 2486 CoreProcedure 2326 CourseSeminarOtherLearningAttended 1308 MiniClinicalEvaluationExercise 1045 CaseBasedDiscussion 930 DirectObservationOfProceduralSkills 918 ProcedureNonCore 275 TeachingOthers 124 InterestingCase 122 Exam 100 DevelopingTheClinicalTeacher 94 Publication 55 ExtraCurricularAchievements 54 AdditionalActionPlan 36 Taster 24 Research 17 InitialMeetingWithAcademicSupervisor 16 MidPlacementReview 7