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User management

  • Creating users

  • How do I create a new user account?
    • To create a new user account in Horus, you have to have an administrator-style permission assigned to your own account. This means you need to have one of the following permissions:

      - Foundation School Director
      - Foundation School Manager
      - Foundation Programme Director
      - Administrator

      If you don't have the correct permission, you need to request this from a colleague who does (note that foundation doctors/NTGs and trainers are not likely to have/need administrator permission). All NHSE foundation school teams have relevant permissions, so contact your local NHSE foundation team if you have any queries.

      See below the steps to add a new user to Horus.

      1. Admin menu > Add new user menu

      2. Select the type of user you would like to create

      - ePortfolio owner (this can be a Foundation doctor, NTG, MSW or any other user who will use Horus to record their own competences)
      - Any other user type (This can be an administrator, supervisor, SLE assessor etc)

      3. Answer the question ' Is this user on the medical register (GMC register) with a license to practise?', read any applicable guidance and select the corresponding create button

      Adding an 'ePortfolio Owner'

      4a. If adding an 'ePortfolio owner' with a GMC number, enter the GMC number and select search, check the details are correct and select 'Add to Horus'. Complete the remaining details and select 'Save changes'

      If adding an 'ePortfolio owner' without a GMC number, complete the details and select 'Save changes'

      5a. Select 'Create new rotation' and add the rotation as per this guidance (step 4 onwards)

      Adding an 'Any other user'

      4b. If adding an 'any other user' with a GMC number, enter the GMC number and select search, check the details are correct and select 'Add to Horus'. Complete the remaining details and select 'Save changes'

      If adding an 'any other user' without a GMC number, complete the details and select 'Save changes'

      5b. Add permissions by typing in the name of the organisation or selecting from the available organisations

      6b. Select the permissions to add

      7b Select 'Save changes'

  • How do I create an account for a foundation doctor whose GMC number is not yet live on the register?
    • Introduction

      Near the start of a new training year Horus administrators at NHS trusts or foundation schools may need to create accounts for foundation doctor whose GMC number is not yet live on the register. These doctors will most likely have been recruited after the main recruitment round (in later batch or stand-alone allocations, for example) and will not have been included in the bulk import performed by the Horus team during May/June 2019.

      Horus is linked to the GMC's open-access List of Registered Medical Practitioners (LRMP). For doctors (whether in the foundation programme or training/supervising those in the foundation programme), the GMC number, first name, middle name and last name that is shown on Horus comes directly from the LRMP. This means that doctors being added before their registration is live can't be linked directly in the first instance.


      To create an account for a foundation doctor whose GMC number is not yet live on the register:

      1. Admin menu > Add new user menu
      2. Select 'ePortfolio owner'
      3. Select 'No' for the question 'Is this user on the medical register (GMC register) with a license to practise?'
      4. Enter their details. The GMC number field should be completed accurately whenever possible, but in exceptional circumstances you may choose to leave this field blank.
      5. Save Changes
      • If you have entered a correct GMC, Horus will automatically synchronise the foundation doctor's details with the information on the register once the relevant GMC number is live.
      • If you have not entered a GMC, you can enter it later by finding the doctor in the "Foundation Doctors" list, selecting "Account" and then the "Provide valid GMC number" link.
      • If you have entered an invalid or incorrect GMC number, follow the guidance here.


  • How do I add a GMC number to a foundation doctor's account?
    • Administrators can add an GMC number to a foundation doctors account by:

      1. Admin menu > Foundation doctors/NTGs

      2. Search for the FDs account

      3. Select 'Account'

      4. Select the 'Provide valid GMC number' link

      5. Enter the GMC number and select 'Search'

      6. Check the details from the GMC register match those of the account and select 'Update'

      Please note, once a GMC number has been added to an account it cannot be removed or changed by those with administrator permissions.

  • As a foundation doctor/NTG, how can I add a trainer or assessor to Horus?
    • As a foundation doctor/NTG, you can create accounts for trainers or assessors in your area who don't appear in your search results when you're adding a trainer/assessor to a form. See the steps below:

      1. If you cannot find the trainer/assessor you’re looking for while you're creating an SLE/Core Procedure, select “Save (and leave as draft)” at the end of the form

      2. Select the “Forms (start new)” main menu 

      3. Select the “Add new Doctor" or "Add new Nurse/AHP" link (as appropriate) in the top right hand corner

      4. If adding a new doctor

      1) Enter their GMC number into the search box and select "Search"

      2) If they are already on Horus, you will see in the search results "Account already exists in Horus" and at which organisation they have been listed.

         - If this is not your organisation, select the "Add to your site" button. On the next page, select your current site from the list (this may be the only option you have) and select "Save changes".

         - If this is your organisation, you may have written their name differently when you searched for them in your form. Note how their name is spelled and go to step 6.

      3) If they are not on Horus, you will see in the search results "No doctors registered on Horus matched this search." and the option to "Add to Horus".

         - Select "Add to Horus"

         - Enter their email address, select "Yes" in 'Send activation email' and select "Save changes"

         - Select your current site from the list (this may be the only option you have) and select "Save changes".

      5. If adding a nurse/AHP/other type of user

      1) Complete their details

      2) Select "Yes" in 'Send activation email'

      3) Select "Save changes"

         - If a user with the email address you entered already has an account on Horus, you will see this confirmed on the next page.

         - Select "Set up permissions" to add them to your organisation

      4) Select your current site from the list (this may be the only option you have) and select "Save changes".

      6. Once you've completed either step 4. or 5., return to your draft form (which you can access from your home page "Forms in draft" list) and search for the trainer or assessor again. As long as you spell their first/last name / type their GMC number exactly as it appears in Horus they will come up in your form.

         - If you miss out the step to assign the new user to your organisation (if for example you're interrupted during the process), simply repeat the steps above. 


      Note that you only need to complete this process once for each trainer/assessor who is not already on Horus. You and your colleagues will then find the individual in the trainer/assessor search in the relevant form the next time you want to ask them to sign for you. 

      Learn more about

      - what to do if you enter your trainer or assessor's email address incorrectly

      - why trainers or assessors who are not educational or clinical supervisors need to have a Horus account

      who can approve/sign SLEs and Core Procedures in Horus.

  • What do I do if a trainer or assessor has been set up with an incorrect email address?
  • Why do trainers and assessors who are not educational or clinical supervisors need to have a Horus account?
    • Trainers and assessors who are not educational or clinical supervisors need to have a Horus account for a number of reasons:

      • to standardise the way trainers' and assessors' details are recorded in supervised learning event and core procedure forms
      • to speed up the adding of trainers and assessors to forms (each trainer/assessor only needs to be added to a location once - subsequently they will appear in FD trainer/assessor searches)
      • to allow trusts to more easily audit who is completing SLEs and assessments for their foundation doctors
      • to allow trainers and assessors to have access to the forms they have filled for foundation doctors for their own records (for example for reference writing or their own CPD)


      Note that TAB raters and PSG members do not need to have a Horus account to be able to provide feedback about a foundation doctor.

      Learn more about how a foundation doctor can add a trainer or assessor to Horus.

  • I have created a new foundation doctor account but didn't create their placements. How do I find them again in the system?
    • The process to create a foundation doctor is a holistic one – you need to do all the steps for them to appear on your list of foundation doctors.

      Summary of steps (detailed in the link above):

      1. Admin menu > Add foundation doctor
      2. Search GMC number
      3. Select Add to Horus
      4. Enter email address and medical school
      5. Save changes
      6. Configure rotations
      7. Save changes

      Without doing steps 6-7 the newly added foundation doctor has no location and so won’t show up in any location's list.

      To correct this, the administrator needs to essentially repeat the above process. If steps 1-5 were completed, the details entered in step 4 will be saved and you will see the option to "Add rotations" when you search for their GMC number in "Add foundation doctor".

  • I have created a new trainer or administrator account but didn't assign them any permissions. How do I find them again in the system?
    • The process to create a user is a holistic one – you need to do all the steps for them to appear on your list of local users.

      Summary of steps (detailed in the link above):

      1. Admin menu > Add new user menu
      2a. If doctor - select 'Add doctor' and search GMC number > Select Add to Horus
      2b. If nurse/AHP/other - select 'Add other user' and enter details
      3. Enter email address
      4. Save changes
      5. Assign permission(s) to locations and roles
      6. Save changes

      Without doing steps 5-6 the newly added trainer or administrator has no location and so won’t show up in any location's list or have access to any Horus tools.

      To correct this, an administrator with access to Horus and the location required for the new user needs to take the following steps: 

      1. Admin menu > Users
      2. Scroll to the bottom of the page > select 'Can't find your user? Search across all organisations'
      3. Search for the user by their name or email address or look for them in the list
      4. Select 'Permissions' next to the relevant user's name
      5. Assign permissions as usual, remembering to 'Save changes'

  • How do I add permissions to my organisation to an existing user at another organisation?
    • NOTE: This process does not apply to foundation doctor/NTG accounts. See what to do if the foundation doctor is transferring from another trust within your foundation school or from a trust in another foundation school.

      If you have a new member of medical staff who has already used Horus at another trust, you will not be able to create a new account for them (this is to make sure there are as few duplicate accounts as possible on Horus). A GMC number can only be used on one Horus account at a time. 

      To give the doctor permission to their new organisation, an administrator with access to Horus (and the organisation required for the doctor) needs to take the following steps: 

      1. Admin menu > User list
      2. Scroll to the bottom of the page > select 'Can't find your user? Search across all organisations'
      3. Search for the user by their GMC number
      4. Select 'Permissions' next to the relevant user's name
      5. Assign permissions as usual, remembering to 'Save changes'

  • How are Foundation Programme Directors (FPDs) set up in Horus?
    • FPDs are set up as administrator-style users on Horus. They are able to do everything an administrator can. You do not assign FPDs to foundation doctor placements - they have access to the portfolios of all foundation doctors in their assigned location(s).

      Once you've created a user account for the relevant FPD, you should assign them the "Foundation Programme Director" permission at the required trust or site.

  • How do I send an account activation email to a user?
    • All registered users are able to activate their own account by following the password recovery process. However, administrators may wish to notify users that their account is ready for activation by using the “Account activation” process within Horus. Here, administrators are able to send an email from Horus to relevant users that contains a link for them to click, where they will be asked to set up their password for Horus.

      1. Click on 'Admin menu'

      2. Select either 'Foundation Doctors/NTGs' or 'Users' from the 'Account activation' sub menu

      3. Select the required organisation at the top of the page

      - This can only be at either trust or site level (that is, not at foundation school or NHSE local office level)

      4. Select your filters, if required

      - Foundation doctors can be filtered by grade (All/F1/F2) and training year ('2019-20' etc)

      - Users can be filtered by type (Admins/Trainers)

      5. You can select all users, one specific user or as many users as required

      - Select all users by clicking the 'Select/Deselect All' link at the bottom of the list

      - Select a specific user/s from the list by ticking the box next to their name/s in the 'Send activation email' column

      - You can use the search box to filter for a specific user (found by selecting 'Advanced filters' on the Foundation Doctors screen)

      6. To send activation emails, tick as many boxes in the 'Send activation email' column as required and then select 'Send activation emails'

      7. Selected users will receive an account activation email from The link in the email will be active for 7 days.

      Account activation emails can also be sent when you create a user manually, by selecting ‘Yes’ for the 'Send activation email' field at the bottom of the add user screen


      Guidance on how to activate your account and set or reset/recover a password:

      - How do I access my account for the first time?

      What will my activation email look like?

      - Why have I not received my activation email yet?

      - How do I reset my password?

      - I have forgotten my password

      - How do I change my password?

  • What does the DUAL label indicate on Horus ePortfolio?
    • As of January 2023, Horus ePortfolio have introduced a 'DUAL' label. The 'DUAL' label is used to indicate which accounts have dual permissions. This means any accounts showing a 'DUAL' label have a Foundation doctor/NTG mode and a trainer mode associated with it.

      The 'DUAL' label will shows on menus and list pages throughout Horus ePortfolio. Example below.

      This image shows the dual label on the foundation doctor search page


  • Removing users

  • Who can revoke/remove user permissions?
    • Administrators and FPDs are able to revoke/remove permissions for anyone (this includes admins and FPDs) at their own location level and below their own location level within the location tree.

      It is the responsibility of administrators (inc FPDs) within each location to keep the list of users who can access foundation doctor e-portfolios in that location up to date.

  • I have a foundation doctor who was allocated and set up on Horus, but has now withdrawn from the Foundation Programme. Can I delete their account?
    • Yes - you can delete a foundation doctor's account, as long as:

      • their e-portfolio is empty (that is, they have not completed any forms/had any forms completed for them - this includes signed declarations)
      • they have placements at one of the locations you have permission to (or have no placements at all)
      • you have an administrator-style permission.


      See below the steps to delete a foundation doctor's account.

      1. Admin menu > Delete Foundation Doctors

      2. Enter their GMC number and select 'Search'. If the doctor doesn't have a GMC number linked to their account select 'Search by email address', enter the doctors email address and select 'Search'.

      3. Check the details that appears on the screen to ensure that the correct foundation doctor's account has been found. If so, select 'Delete'.

      Learn more about what the 'Delete Foundation Doctors' functionality is for.

  • What is the "Delete Foundation Doctors" functionality for?
    • The "Delete Foundation Doctors" functionality (available in the Horus Admin menu) is only for foundation doctors (FDs) who were allocated but didn't start the foundation programme. It is not intended to be used for FDs who started the foundation programme but left after a short time. 

      Any FDs who left after a short time should have their rotation/placement end dates updates to reflect the short time they were in the programme - the minimum is 2 days (e.g. 2 August 2017 to 3 August 2017) and any further placements (e.g. December - April and April - August) should be deleted.

      Learn more about how to delete a foundation doctor

  • How long after creation will an inactive (never logged into) FD/NTG account be deleted?
    • If an account has not been logged into and used 3 months after the creation date it will be deleted from the Horus system.

  • A member of staff has left the trust - can I delete their account?
    • Employee-type users (supervisors, trainers, admins) cannot be deleted. If they no longer need access to Horus simply revoke all their current permissions and they'll no longer be able to perform any actions on the system.

      Learn more about how to revoke staff permissions.

  • A member of staff has left the organisation - whose responsibility is it to remove their permission(s)?
    • When a member of staff leaves an organisation where they had access to Horus, it is the responsibility of the administrative staff at that organisation to remove their permission(s). For good information governance it is important that these permission updates are made as soon as someone no longer needs access to Horus.

  • A member of staff has left the trust - how do I revoke/remove their permission(s)?
    • 1. Admin menu > Users

      2. Search for the user account and select 'Permissions'

      3. Search for the organisation where the permission is at (use the permissions table above this field for reference)

      4a. For FSD/FSM/FPD/admin permissions select 'Revoke permission' and select 'Save changes'

      4b. For Trainer/ARCP panel member/Temporary portfolio reviewer permissions un-tick the permission/s you want to remove and select 'Save changes'

      If you have made a mistake you can use this same screen to re-assign required permissions.

  • Updating account information

  • As an administrator, how do I update account information for another user?
    • Foundation Doctor/NTG:

      1. Admin menu > Foundation doctors/NTGs

      2. Select from the list or search for the relevant foundation doctor/NTG

      3. Select 'Account' for the relevant foundation doctor/NTG

      4. Over-write or add the relevant details into the free text boxes / drop-down list

      5. Select 'Save Changes'.


      Any other user:

      1. Admin menu > Users

      2. Select from the list or search for the relevant user

      3. Select 'Account' for the relevant user

      4. Over-write or add the relevant details into the free text boxes / drop-down list

      5. Select 'Save Changes'.

  • Why can't a doctor's GMC number and name be edited on Horus?
    • Horus is linked to the GMC's open-access List of Registered Medical Practitioners (LRMP). The GMC number, first name, middle name and last name that is shown on Horus comes directly from the LRMP.

      Name: If any changes are required (for example when a doctor changes their name), this change should be made directly with the GMC. The change will then automatically be picked up by Horus.

      It is not possible to update the name of a doctor directly in Horus. Please contact the GMC to update your name on the LRMP.

      GMC number: If you have recently started FY1 or FY2 and your GMC number in Horus is incorrect, contact the Horus Helpdesk. The Horus team will correct your GMC number in the Horus database.

  • What do I do if my GMC number is missing from my Horus account?
    • If your GMC number is not linked to your Horus account you should contact your local Horus ePortfolio administrator (this is usually your local postgraduate centre administrator) and they will be able to link it to your Horus account.

  • How do I change an “any other user” to a "doctor" on the system?
    • There are three types of accounts on Horus:

      - Foundation doctor/NTG
      - Any other doctor (that is, a trainer, FPD or FSD who is a doctor)
      - Any other user (that is, a trainer or administrator who is not a doctor)

      If you have set up a new user as 'any other user' but they are actually a doctor, you can convert their account to a doctor account:

      1. Admin menu > Users
      2. Search for the users account and select 'Account'
      3. Select the 'Convert user to Doctor (add GMC number)' link which is located towards the end of the page.
      4. Enter the doctor's GMC number  into the field and select 'Search'
      5. The search will show the doctor's name as it appears on the register - to convert the account the original account name will be over-written by this. Check that the name that appears is for the correct doctor. If not, select 'Try different search'.
      6. Select 'Convert to Doctor'
  • I am a newly registered doctor on Horus and have just logged into my account. Why are you not able to synchronise my details with the GMC register?
    • GMC numbers are granted to medical students while they are still at medical school. However, the GMC does not make these numbers available on the open-access List of Registered Medical Practitioners (LRMP) until provisional registration is set to officially start. 

      Horus is linked to the GMC's LRMP. Therefore, even if you have a GMC number already, if it is not yet live on the LRMP Horus will not recognise it and you will see the following message on your account:

      We are currently unable to synchronise this Doctor with the GMC register. Please check their GMC number is correct.

      Horus will pick up a GMC number the day after it goes live on the LRMP. So, for example, if you have asked for GMC registration to go live on 29 July 2019, then when you log in on 30 July 2019 you will no longer see that message.

      If you still see the above message the day after you've asked for your GMC number to go live (check that you're able to find yourself on the GMC's LRMP first to ensure that it has gone live) or you think your GMC number has been entered incorrectly, please contact your local e-portfolio administrator for support.

      Meanwhile, you do not need to do anything.

  • What is the “Known as” field in “Account details” for?
    • This field can be used by any Horus user who uses a different name on a day to day basis from their official/GMC registered name. The “known as” field will help foundation doctors, trainers and assessors identify each other when sending/receiving signature requests.

      It is displayed in all search results and lists (although can’t be searched for) and on signature request emails (for example for SLEs). It is not displayed in submitted forms, including Form R and the ARCP outcome form – only the official/GMC registered name is displayed on these.

       This image shows an email notification with the known as field completed

       Learn more about how to add a “known as” name to your account.


  • How do I add a “Known as” name to my account?
      1. Sign in to Horus.
      2. Select your name in the top right corner (next to 'sign out').
      3. Select 'Edit account information'.
      4. Add the name into the 'Known as' field.
      5. Enter your current password (for security).
      6. Select 'Save changes'.


      Learn more about what the “Known as” field is for.


  • As an administrator, how do I add a “Known as” name to a user's account?
      1. In the 'Admin menu', select either 'Foundation Doctors' or 'Users', depending on which user you need to add a “Known as” name to
      2. Search for the relevant user account
      3. Select 'Account' for the relevant user
      4. Add the name into the “Known as” field.
      5. Select 'Save changes'.


      Please note that the “Known as” field is not currently searchable on the system.

      Learn more about what the “Known as” field is for.

  • Organisation permissions

  • As an administrator, how do I change a user's permission from site level to trust level or trust level to site level?
    • To change an administrator or trainer’s permissions, you need to have permissions for all the locations in question. This means that if you have administrator permission only at site level (for example to Hospital ABCD), you will not be able to make any changes to the existing permission(s) of an administrator or trainer at trust level (for example at Trust ABC). An administrator colleague at the relevant trust level will need to make the required changes.

      There are two ways to amend a user’s permissions. Both ways require you to first ‘revoke’ the permission for the existing location level and then add the permission for the required location level. This is because Horus does not allow ‘overlapping’ permissions.

      Via ‘Manage permissions’

      1. Admin menu > Manage permissions
      2. Choose location: You will see the currently selected location near the top of your screen. If not already selected, select the location from which you need to revoke the permission for the user.
      3. Choose user: Find the user by typing the first few letters of their first name, last name or GMC number (if applicable) into the “Choose user” box, just under where you selected the location, and selecting from the drop-down list that appears.
      4. Choose permissions: Once the user has been selected, a list of permissions will appear in the “Choose permissions” column, to the right of the “Choose user” column.
        • If the permission you want to change is foundation programme director or administrator, select the “Revoke permission” option.
        • If the permission you want to change is trainer/ARCP panel member/temporary portfolio reviewer, uncheck the “Trainer/ARCP panel member/temporary portfolio reviewer” box.
      5. Select “Save changes”.
      6. Choose location: Now, select the location to which you need to add permission for the user.
      7. Choose user: Again, find the user by typing the first few letters of their first name, last name or GMC number (if applicable) into the “Choose user” box and selecting from the drop-down list that appears.
      8. Choose permissions: Once the user has been selected, a list of permissions will appear in the “Choose permissions” column, to the right of the “Choose user” column.
        • Select the required permission(s).
      9. Select “Save changes”.


      Via ‘Users’

      1. Admin menu > Users
      2. Choose location: You will see the currently selected location near the top of your screen, just under the grey and orange menu bar. If not already selected, select the location to which the user currently has permission.
      3. Choose user: Find the user by selecting from the list or using the filter fields above the list (remember to select “Filter” to narrow down your list of users).
        • Select the “Edit” button in the ‘Permissions’ column of the search results next to the relevant user.
      4. Remove permissions: Once the user has been selected, a list of their assigned permissions will appear. Below this is the option to “Add permissions to [User]”.
        • In the “Organisation name” text box, start typing the name of the location from which you need to revoke the permission for the user and select the relevant option from the drop-down list. A list of permissions will appear.
        • If the permission you want to change is foundation programme director or administrator, select the “Revoke permission” option.
        • If the permission you want to change is trainer/ARCP panel member/temporary portfolio reviewer, uncheck the “Trainer/ARCP panel member/temporary portfolio reviewer” box.
      5. Select “Save changes”.
      6. A confirmation banner will appear at the top of the page confirming that the permission has been successfully updated. The permission you have just revoked will no longer be listed on the page.
      7. Add permissions:
        • Now, in the “Organisation name” text box, start typing the name of the location to which you need to add permission for the user and select the relevant option from the drop-down list. A list of permissions will appear.
        • Select the required permission(s).
      8. Select “Save changes”.
      9. A confirmation banner will appear at the top of the page confirming that the permission has been successfully updated. The permission you have just added will be listed on the page.
  • How do I check my own organisation permissions?
    • - Foundation doctors/NTGs: you only have permission to the organisation(s) at which you have been assigned placements.

      - Administrators, trainers and other users:

      1. Open the 'Mt account' page by selecting your name in the top right hand corner of the menu bar (next to "Sign out")

      2. Scroll down to the "My permissions" section of this page (under the "Edit account information" and "Change password" buttons) - your permission(s) will be listed here.

      • Organisations from which you've had your permissions removed or changed have a grey "EXPIRED" label.

      3. If you believe that the information held in this table is incorrect, please contact your local Horus ePortfolio administrator, who will be able to add or remove you from their organisation.

  • Can I select a default organisation if I have administrator/trainer permissions at multiple organisations?
    • Yes, administrators/trainers who have permissions at multiple organisations can select a default location. This is meant for people who have admin/trainer permission to multiple organisations but have one that they use significantly more frequently than the others.

      To set a default organisation:

      1. Select your name to access the 'My account' page

      2. Select the 'Choose default organisation' button

      3. Choose the organisation you wish to select as your default and select the 'Select organisation' button

  • What do I do if a foundation doctor transfers into my trust from another trust within the foundation school?
  • What do I do if a foundation doctor transfers into my trust from another trust in another foundation school?
    • Local administrators should first contact their local NHSE foundation school team to confirm if the inter-foundation school transfer (IFST) has been approved. Only then should the the account transfer process be followed. Please note if the IFST is taking place mid rotation then the account transfer process above should now be followed. Please contact the Horus ePortfolio ServiceDesk for guidance).

      Learn about what to do if the foundation doctor has transferred from a trust within your foundation school.

  • Foundation doctor/NTG account transfers (from one organisation to another)

  • Foundation doctor/NTG account transfers (from one organisation to another)
    • Foundation Doctors

      1. If a Foundation doctor is moving between organisations mid rotation (as an IFST for example) the local administrator at the doctors new organisation should:

        • Contact their local HEE foundation school team if the doctor is moving from another organisation within the same foundation school to get the account transferred.
        • Contact the Horus ServiceDesk if the doctor is moving from an organisation outside of their foundation school to get the account transferred.


      2. If a foundation doctor is moving between organisations to start a new rotation the foundation doctor and local administrator should follow this guidance to make and accept a transfer request.

      Non-Trainee Grade Users (NTGs)

      1. If an NTG is moving from one organisation to another they and their local administrator should follow this guidance to make and accept a transfer request.

  • How do I initiate a transfer (from one organisation to another) request?
    • Account transfers are a two-step process with the FD/NTG making a transfer request and the local administrator at the new organisation either accepting or rejecting the request.

      Once a FD/NTG makes a request they cannot make another request for 1 week unless the initial request is accepted or rejected.

      Please note: If this transfer is for an NTG doctor, before initiating a transfer request, the NTG should first contact their employing trust as per this guidance.

      For those users with a dual account (FD/NTG permissions and trainer permissions), transfers can only be initiated from the FD/NTG mode of your account.

      To initiate a transfer the FD/NTG should:

      1. Select their name to access the ‘My account’ page

      2. Select ‘FD/NTG transfer request’

      3. Select the appropriate transfer request button:

      a) Foundation doctor's should select 'Foundation doctor transfer request'

      b) NTG's should select 'NTG transfer request'

      4. Start typing the name of the organisation and select it from the list of suggestions. If the name of the organisation you are looking for does not appear you should contact the local Horus administrators and they will be able to advise

      5. Select ‘Request transfer’

      After a request has been accepted/rejected the status of the request will be updated accordingly.

      If the transfer request expires before it is accepted or rejected, a new transfer request needs to be made.

      Once the FD/NTG has made their transfer request the local Horus administrators at the selected organisation will be able to accept or reject the transfer request.

      Learn more about accepting transfers and rejecting transfers.

      Please note: it is not the responsibility of the Horus ServiceDesk team to accept or reject account transfer requests.

  • As an administrator, how do I accept a transfer request?
    • To accept a transfer request the local administrator at the new organisation should:

      1. Select 'Admin menu > Manage FD/NTG transfers'

      2. Select ‘Create rotation’ against the appropriate request

      3. Add the rotation in the usual way (guidance here (step 3 onwards)).

      Please note if a rotation cannot be added because of overlapping dates with a previous rotation, the NTG doctor will need to contact the local Horus ePortfolio administrator at the previous organisation and request that their rotation and placement details be updated accordingly.

      After the rotation has been added the request will be removed from the ‘Manage FD/NTG transfers’ page.

  • As an administrator, how do I reject a transfer request?
    • To reject a transfer the local administrator at the new organisation should:

      1. Select 'Admin menu > Manage FD/NTG transfers'

      2. Select 'Reject request'

      3. Read the pop up warning and select 'Reject request'

      Please note: Any requests that are not accepted within 1 week will expire and disappear from the ‘Manage FD/NTG transfers’ page.