2021 Foundation programme Curriculum
- Portfolio items can be mapped as evidence to a maximum of 3 foundation professional capabilities (FPCs) - further information.
2016 Foundation Programme Curriculum
- Portfolio items can be mapped as evidence to a maximum of 5 foundation professional capabilities (FPCs) - further information.
The process for evidence mapping to the curriculum is:
1. Portfolio > Contents
2. Find the portfolio item (that is, the form) that you want to map
3. To the right of the form, underneath the date it was submitted, select "map to curriculum"
4. The curriculum will pop up, showing the three Higher Level Outcomes or the four sections depending on which curriculum your rotation is assigned to:

5. Select the HLO/section under which you want to map the portfolio item
6. Select the FPC against which you want to map the portfolio item:

7. The item is now mapped. Select more FPCs if required:
8. Select "close" in the top right-hand corner of the pop-up when you're finished.
Learn about how to "un-map" a portfolio item.