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Archived HEE e-portfolio

  • Archive basics

  • What is the HEE Foundation Programme E-portfolio Archive?
    • In August 2017, HEE changed its foundation e-portfolio from the NES ePortfolio (and the "NW Horus" ePortfolio in the north west of England) to the HEE Horus ePortfolio. Active user accounts were transferred from the NES ePortfolio/NW Horus to HEE Horus; however, portfolio contents were not transferred.

      Instead, we have a separate online system to hold all information collected in the NES ePortfolio at HEE locations between August 2008 and July 2018. This is called the HEE Foundation Programme E-portfolio Archive ("the Archive").

      Information collected in the NW Horus ePortfolio in the north west of England between August 2005 and July 2017 is no longer accessible to users. Further details can be found here.

      Learn more about who can access the Archive.

  • Who is the HEE FP E-portfolio Archive for?
    • The HEE FP E-portfolio Archive is for all doctors and other staff who used the NES ePortfolio at HEE locations between 2010 and 2018.

      If you used the North West of England ("NW Horus") ePortfolio (in use 2012 - 2017) your portfolio data is no longer accessible. Further details can be found here.

      Learn more about archive data for the north west of England.

      Note that ARCP was not documented in the foundation e-portfolios until the 2012-13 training year, so no sign off documents exist in either archived system before this. Doctors should contact their foundation school at the time to request evidence of sign off. 

  • Are the Archive and the original e-portfolio (NES ePortfolio) connected?
    • No, the Archive and the original e-portfolio (NES ePortfolio) are not connected. The Archive is a stand-alone system into which data from the NES ePortfolio have been migrated.

      To access the Archive, you need to set up your password through the Archive. Resetting your password in the NES ePortfolio will not allow you access into the Archive.

      Learn more about how to set your password for the Archive.

  • Who can access the Archive?
  • What information is available in the Archive?
    • Most of the information users had access to in the NES ePortfolio is available through the Archive. This includes

      • All forms completed by and for foundation doctors (this includes ARCP outcome forms and end of year certificates)
      • All curricula attached to foundation doctor portfolios
      • All links made to these curricula
      • The Personal Library (including documents uploaded in the Certificates section and any portfolio downloads)
      • User details (including foundation doctor placement and supervisor details)
      • Appropriate supervisor and administrator views of the above


      Learn more about who can access the Archive.

  • What functionality is available in the Archive?
    • All users are able to update their email address and password.

      Foundation doctors are able to view their portfolio contents (including any forms set to "private"), download any documents present in their Personal Library and print any forms or pages using their browser's print function.

      Supervisors are able to view the portfolio contents of all the foundation doctors they have supervised (excluding any forms set to "private").

      Administrators are able to view the portfolio contents of all the foundation doctors with placements assigned to locations they have permission to (excluding any forms set to "private").

  • What browsers does the Archive work in?
    • The HEE FP E-portfolio Archive works in all up to date browsers.

      If you experience problems with the Archive on older versions of any browsers, you should switch to the latest versions.

      Learn more about downloading information from the Archive.

  • How long will the Archive be available for?
    • Access to the Archive will be available to all users for the foreseeable future. The decision to remove access to the Archive will be made as part of Health Education England's information governance strategy and key stakeholders will be informed.

  • Can I download my whole portfolio from the Archive?
    • No, there is no "download portfolio" functionality in the Archive. Users are able to view all the information on-screen. As with any website, you can also use your browser’s print functionality to extract the information needed (either to a printer or 'save as pdf'). If your browser does not have a 'save as pdf' print option, there are a number of free pdf writer services that you can download. Alternatively, try a different browser (Chrome for example has the 'Save as PDF' built into its browser). 

      Learn more about how to download forms from the Archive.

  • How can I download a form from the Archive?
    • The principles below apply to all three foundation e-portfolio websites managed by HEE:
      - HEE Horus ePortfolio
      - HEE FP E-portfolio Archive
      - NW Horus ePortfolio Archive 

      As with any website, you can use your browser’s print functionality to extract the information needed (either to a printer or 'save as pdf').
      --> There is no "download portfolio" functionality in the Archive itself. 

      If your browser does not have a 'save as pdf' print option, there are a number of free pdf writer services that you can download.

      Alternatively, try a different browser (Chrome for example has the 'Save as PDF' built into its browser).

      If the form is showing over more pages than you would like (for example, your end of year certificate showing over two pages instead of one), try amending your printer settings (these will depend on the browser you're using and your printer - if not printing to pdf.

      Examples of settings to adjust:

      - Page number to print

      - Layout

      - Paper size

      - Margins

      - Scale

      - Headers and footers

      - "Shrink to fit" / "fit on one page"

      See below screenshots of print settings for the most common browsers used to access the Archive:

      Chrome print settings

       This image shows the chrome browser print to pdf function

      Internet Explorer settings

      This image shows the Internet explorer browsers print to pdf function

      Firefox settings

      This image shows the firefox browsers print to pdf function 

      Safari settings

      This image shows the safari browser print to pdf function

  • Accessing the Archive

  • How do I sign in to my HEE FP E-portfolio Archive account?
  • I no longer have access to the email address with which I was registered on NES ePortfolio. How do I get access to the Archive?
    • If you have not received your login details, you should first try to reset your password.

      If you still do not receive your login details, you will need to contact an administrator at the trust postgraduate centre where you completed your foundation training (or the relevant HEE foundation school team). If you no longer have access to the email address that you are registered on the Archive with, they will be able to update your email address for you. They can also confirm your username if you're not sure what it is. You will then be able to reset your password.

      Learn more about who can access the Archive.

  • Archive username and password

  • What is my username for the Archive?
  • I don't know my username for the Archive - how do I find it?
    • Your username for the Archive is your NES ePortfolio username. If you don't know what this is, contact an administrator at the trust postgraduate centre where you completed your foundation training (or the relevant HEE foundation school team). They will be able to confirm your username to you.

      Contact details for HEE foundation schools can be found on the UKFPO's website.

  • What is my password for the Archive?
    • All users are required to set up a new password for the Archive - you cannot automatically use the same password as you had for the NES ePortfolio.

      Learn about how to set up your password for the Archive.

  • How do I reset my password for the Archive?
    • 1. Go to the Archive reset password page
      2. Enter your username
      3. Select “Send Reset Link”
      4. You will receive an email from (check your junk mail folder)
      5. Select the link in the new email (this link is valid for 24 hours)
      6. Enter your new password twice
      7. Select “Change password”
      8. You will then be logged in automatically.

  • What are the password rules for the Archive?
    • The following rules are enforced: 

      • 8 characters minimum
      • At least one symbol (! " £ $ % ^ & *) --> NOTE: dash ( - ) and underscore ( _ ) don't count
      • Not on the 'banned list' of easily guessable passwords (for example, password or 12345678)


      In addition, we recommend you follow the rules below for your own security:

      • 16 characters maximum
      • Hasn't been used in the Archive before
      • No repeated characters (e.g. aa, bb, cc)
      • At least 3 out of 4 of the following:
        • Lowercase characters
        • Uppercase characters
        • Numbers (0-9)
        • Symbols (e.g. £ $ %)


      If you are trying to reset your password / set your password for the first time and the system does not accept your password, please wait 20 minutes and then try again. You may have been locked out of the system for security reasons and will not be unlocked until you stop trying to enter a new password for at least 20 minutes. This is a security feature to prevent account hacking.

  • As an administrator, how do I find another user's Archive username?
    • As an administrator, you have access to the basic account details for all users, just as you did in the NES ePortfolio. 

      1. Login and go to ePortfolio Admin > Administer users
      2. Search for the relevant user
      3. Select their name from the search results
      4. You will land on their Personal Details page. Their username will be displayed just below their email address.

  • As an administrator, how do I update another user's email address in the Archive?
    • As an administrator, you have access to the basic account details for all users, just as you did in the NES ePortfolio.

      You can only update the email address of users who are assigned to a location you are also assigned to.

      1. Login and go to ePortfolio Admin > Administer users
      2. Search for the relevant user
      3. Select their name from the search results
      4. You will land on their Personal Details page. Their email will be displayed just above their username.
      5. Select the "Edit email" button to the right of the email address.
      6. Enter the new email address.
      7. Select "Save" (or "Cancel" if you change your mind).

  • What information is not available in the Archive?
    • We have focussed on providing former foundation doctors (and their trainers and administrators) with the content that was produced for or by them in the NES ePortfolio. This means that all forms that have been completed for or by foundation doctors can be viewed through the Archive. The main piece of content that we were not able to make available in the Archive is the "summary of evidence for satisfactory completion of F1/F2" report. Note that this is in fact not a form - (although users may be used to thinking of it that way). It is a report with a complex set of relationships to many forms. 

  • Technical queries

  • Who should I contact if I am experiencing technical issues with the Archive?
    • 1. If you are experiencing technical issues, please search the Archive section of the Horus ePortfolio Support Site in the first instance - there is a "Search" box at the top of this page. The answer to your question may already be here and you may not need to wait for us to resolve your issue.

      2. If you cannot find the information you need here, you can email the Archive Helpdesk. For a faster response from the Archive Helpdesk, please include as much of the following information as you can in your email:

      - Have you logged in to the Archive before, or is this your first attempt at logging in?

      - Which browser (and version) are you using? (e.g. Chrome, IE9, etc.) Use WhatsMyBrowser to check if you're not sure.

      - Do you know the email address you’re registered on the Archive with? Specify email address if so.

      - Have you received an error message? If so, what steps had you taken before you got the error message? What does the error message say?

      • Include screenshots of what you saw/are seeing.

      We respond to all Helpdesk requests we receive, so if you have not received a response within at most 1 week, please check that you have sent your query to the correct email address. 

  • North West of England e-portfolio archive

  • How long will my historic e-portfolio data be available through NW Horus Archive?
    • As of 02 August 23, data in the NW Horus Archive will no longer be available to users as the retention period has been exceeded. As a result of this, the system has been taken offline and can no longer be accessed.