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Foundation e-portfolio 

All foundation doctors must maintain an e-portfolio and use it to support their educational and professional development and career planning. The primary purpose of the e-portfolio in the foundation programme is to help doctors record and reflect on their progress and achievements. Guides on reflection can be found on our website.

The e-portfolio includes personal development plans, summaries of feedback from the educational supervisor, clinical supervisors’ reports, significant achievements or difficulties, reflections of educational activity, engagement with supervised learning event (SLE) tools, career reflections and the results of the foundation programme assessments. It allows the foundation doctor to demonstrate progression during their foundation training.

The e-portfolio will be reviewed to inform the judgement about whether a foundation doctor has met the requirements for satisfactory completion of F1 and the foundation programme.

(Operational Guide (2019), p.9)



BMJ: The British Medical Journal ("The BMJ")

e-LfH: e-Learning for Healthcare

GMC: General Medical Council

HEE:  Health Education England

NES: NHS Education for Scotland

NICE: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

UKFPO: UK Foundation Programme Office

(See "Useful links" for further information) 


General foundation training acronyms

ALS: Advanced life support

AS: Academic supervisor

CS: Clinical supervisor

ES: Educational supervisor

FD: Foundation doctor

FP: Foundation Programme (that is, the UK medical foundation programme)

FPC: Foundation professional capability (there are 20 in the FP Curriculum 2016)

FPD: Foundation programme director (also known as FTPD) [this role is sometimes known as / complemented by a Foundation training programme tutor (FTPT)]

ILS: Immediate life support

LEP: Local education provider

LRMP: List of Registered Medical Practitioners (GMC)

LTFT: Less than full time training

PDP: Personal development plan

PSA: Prescribing safety assessment

PSG: Placement supervision group

RAG: Red - amber - green / traffic light system

SLE: Supervised learning event

TAB: Team assessment of behaviour

WTE: Whole time equivalent (usually measured in percentage)


Foundation Guide 2019 Appendix 7. Glossary of terms

You can download the Foundation Guide (2019) from the UKFPO's website.


A positive process to provide feedback on the foundation doctor’s performance, chart their continuing progress and identify their developmental needs.


Approved practice setting.


Annual Review of Competence Progression.


Medical Schools’ Council (Heads of medical schools and Deans of UK Faculties of Medicine).

Foundation Programme Certificate of Completion (FPCC)

Awarded to the foundation doctor at the end of foundation training to indicate that the foundation competences have been successfully achieved.

Foundation Year 1 Certificate of Completion (F1CC)

Awarded to the foundation doctor at the end of the foundation year 1 (F1) to indicate that the F1 competences have been successfully achieved.


Committee of GP Education Directors.


The possession of requisite or adequate ability, having acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to perform those tasks which reflect the scope of professional practices. It may be different from performance, which denotes what someone is actually doing in a real life situation.


The skills that doctors need. Please see the curriculum for full details.


Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans in the UK.


A curriculum is a statement of the aims and intended learning outcomes of an educational programme. It states the rationale, content, organisation, processes and methods of teaching, learning, assessment, supervision, and feedback.


The first foundation year which follows on from graduation from medical school and which is prior to full registration with the General Medical Council (GMC).


The second foundation year; follows full registration with the GMC.

Foundation school director (FSD)

The head of the foundation school. The FSD is accountable to the postgraduate dean

Foundation school manager (FSM)

The FSM is responsible for the management of the operational and resource-related activities of the foundation school. The FSM reports to the FSD.

Foundation training programme director/tutor (FTPD/T)

The individual appointed by the LETB/deanery and local education provider (LEP) to manage and lead a foundation programme.


General Medical Council. The GMC’s statutory purpose is 'to protect, promote and maintain the health and safety of the public by ensuring proper standards in the practice of medicine'

Local education provider (LEP)

Postgraduate education providers of placements as part of programmes for example trusts, Health Boards, general practices. There should be a service level agreement or equivalent between LEPs and the LETB/deanery or commissioner of education.

Named clinical supervisor

A doctor who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for overseeing a specified foundation doctor’s clinical work and providing constructive feedback during a training placement.

Named educational


A registered and licensed medical practitioner who is selected and appropriately trained to be responsible for the overall supervision and management of a specified foundation doctor’s educational progress during a training placement or series of placements.


Approved time out of the Foundation Programme.


The clinical components of an individual foundation programme, typically consisting of three specialties in either a F1 or F2 rotation.

Placement supervision group

The group consists of trainers nominated in each placement by the named clinical supervisor. Their observations and feedback will inform the clinical supervisor’s end of placement report.


Adherence to a set of values comprising statutory professional obligations, formally agreed codes of conduct, and the informal expectations of patients and colleagues. Key values include acting in the patients’ best interest and maintaining the standards of competence and knowledge expected of members of highly trained professions. These standards include ethical elements such as integrity, probity, accountability, duty and honour. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, medical professionals should present psychosocial and humanistic qualities such as caring, empathy, humility and compassion, social responsibility and sensitivity to people’s culture and beliefs (from the Workplace-Based Assessment Subcommittee of the PMETB).


A managed educational experience.


A series of placements grouped together to make either an F1 or F2 rotation.

Training posts

These are the training opportunities contracted with foundation doctors by healthcare organisations during their individual foundation programmes at either F1 or F2 level.