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Horus ePortfolio
Support Site

June 2018

Important information on this page about:

• 2018-20 F1F2 rotations

• 2018-19 F1 account activation

• 2018-19 F2 stand-alone appointments

• 2017-18 Out of synch foundation doctors using NES ePortfolio (archiving arrangements)

• Downloading Horus ePortfolios

• ARCP outcomes export

• Releasing F1CCs/FPCCs


27 June 2018

- ACTION REQUIRED: 2018-20 F1F2 rotations now available in Horus!

• Data correct as of the end of April 2018. Any changes / withdrawals will need to be updated manually.

• A small number of records could not be imported - we have contacted affected foundation schools separately.

• As in previous years, administrators need to assign supervisors manually.

- Foundation doctor account activation

• Same as last year, foundation school or postgraduate centre administrators will need to send account activation emails to foundation doctors.
Horus will not automatically/centrally send account activation emails.

• This can be done at any point from now on.

• Note the following to help you decide when to send account activation emails:

* As GMC numbers for current medical students don't go live until late July, they will all see the warning message "We are currently unable to synchronise this Doctor with the GMC register. Please check their GMC number is correct." This warning message will disappear for everyone whose GMC number goes live the day after it goes live.

--> If you send account activation emails to your foundation doctors before their GMC number goes live, please ensure they are all aware that this is not an error. Any emails to the Helpdesk regarding this message before the start of the new training year will not be responded to.

* Most postgraduate centre administrators will not yet have finished assigning supervisors for 2018-19, so many incoming foundation doctors will see the warning message "This placement does not have any supervisors configured, please contact your local postgraduate administrator." Again, this warning message will disappear once postgraduate centre managers have completed their supervisor assignments during July 2018.

--> If you send account activation emails to your foundation doctors before their supervisors are assigned, please ensure they are all aware that this is not an error. Any emails to the Helpdesk regarding this message before the start of the new training year will not be responded to. Beyond the start of the training year, foundation doctors will be referred directly to this FAQ.

* Accounts were imported using the email address supplied for the doctor in Oriel. For the majority (90%) this is their medical school email address. Most will lose access to this email address once they graduate. To avoid having to manually update email addresses before foundation doctors can activate their Horus account, you should send account activation emails before August 2018.

--> Foundation schools/postgraduate centre administrators could consider explaining the process in any welcome email / other mass communications they are due to send to their incoming foundation doctors during July 2018. As usual, please co-ordinate with each other who will be taking on which tasks between the foundation school and postrgraduate centres.


26 June 2018

- 2018-19 F2 stand-alone appointments:

• Current F1 doctors who have accepted an F2 stand-alone appointment in a different foundation school to their original appointment
NO ACTION REQUIRED: We are waiting for a report from Oriel to identify these doctors. The Horus team will move them to their new foundation school.

• Current F1 doctors who have accepted an F2 stand-alone appointment in the same foundation school to their original appointment
ACTION REQUIRED: The foundation school administrative team should move them to their new trust.

• Doctors who have accepted an F2 stand-alone appointment not already on Horus
ACTION REQUIRED: The foundation school or the trust administrative team should add them and their rotations to Horus.

- HEE out of synch foundation doctors using NES ePortfolio

• Trust and HEE foundation teams should now have finalised plans for when each ‘out of synch’ foundation doctor using the NES ePortfolio will stop and (if required) start using HEE Horus.
NES ePortfolio will be closed to HEE from Weds 1 August 2018.

• ACTION REQUIRED: HEE Foundation doctors currently using the NES ePortfolio should download their portfolio by Tuesday 31 July 2018.

• ACTION REQUIRED: HEE Foundation school administrative teams should download ARCP outcomes / F1CCs/FPCCs / anything else they think they might need regarding 2017-18 FDs who used the NES ePortfolio by Tuesday 31 July 2018.

• Archiving
Information collected in NES ePortfolio during 2017-18 will be migrated to the HEE FP E-portfolio Archive during August 2018.
This will be available to relevant users by mid-September 2018.
Note that there will be at least a 6 week gap when NES ePortfolio information will not be available to doctors or their administrators/supervisors.


25 June 2018

- Downloading portfolios: As the end of the training year draws near, we know that many foundation doctors will be keen to take a full download of their portfolio for their own records. As is explained in this FAQ, this is not currently possible in Horus. However, users are able to 'print to pdf' individual documents. We are working on a full portfolio download function but can't confirm when this will be available yet. Be assured that all information will remain securely available through Horus for the foreseeable future.


20 June 2018

- NOW LIVE! NTG filter on the "Placements overview / download" page. 


19 June 2018

- NOW LIVE! ARCP outcomes download for administrators.
This can be accessed from the "ARCP Overview" page.

- Pages have continued to load quickly (local connections allowing) throughout the ARCP period.

- We have not run any major development releases during ARCP to ensure system stability.

- Guide on releasing F1CCs/FPCCs has been circulated to all FSDs and FSMs. If you are responsible for this work but have not received the guide, please contact your FSD or FSM.


Order of priority for developments in Horus (June - July 2018)