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NHSE elearning for healthcare

  • NHSE elearning for healthcare - Technical

  • Is there a link between Horus and NHSE elfh?
  • How do I link my Horus account to my NHSE elfh account?
  • Can I link my NHSE elearning for healthcare account to Horus if I access the NHSE elfh Hub using OpenAthens?
  • Which NHSE elfh courses can be viewed in Horus?
    • Any courses you have attempted in NHSE elfh:

      • during your current rotation
      • up to 1 month before the start of that rotation 


      [No courses completed before July 2017 can be viewed.] 

      See the NHSE elfh support site for information about how to create a report of all of your NHSE elfh activity through NHSE elfh.

      New data is imported from NHSE elfh to Horus every day between 06:30 and 08:00. This means you may need to wait up to 24 hours to see your recent NHSE elfh activity in Horus.

  • Which NHSE elfh courses can be mapped to the curriculum?
    • You can map to the curriculum any NHSE elfh courses that appear in your Horus account that

      • you have marked as "complete" in NHSE elfh



      • you completed in more than 5 minutes
  • I'm experiencing technical issues linking my NHSE elearning for healthcare account to Horus. Who should I report this to?
    • If you experience any technical issues linking your Horus and NHSE elfh accounts (or any other technical issues regarding your NHSE elfh information in Horus), first check other FAQs on this support site - we may already have answered your question.

      If, after checking the support site, you think you have completed courses that should have appeared in Horus but you can't see them, or you cannot link your accounts, please send full details to the Horus Helpdesk (not NHSE elfh). NHSE elfh are not able to help with queries that are related to Horus.

      Learn more about linking to Horus if you have an OpenAthens account.

  • My NHSE elfh modules aren't syncing correctly with Horus ePortfolio
    • There are many reasons that your NHSE elfh modules aren’t syncing correctly with your Horus account. The main reasons for this could be:

      • Your NHSE elfh account and your Horus ePortfolio account have not been connected. Learn more about how to connect your NHSE elfh account to your Horus account here. You can check if your accounts are linked by navigating to the NHSE elfh page of your Horus account (Portfolio > e-LfH). Linked accounts will show as 'e-LfH account status: Connected'.
      • The NHSE elfh activity was completed on the same day you're checking Horus. Any new NHSE elfh content is only transferred to Horus once every 24 hours.
      • The NHSE elfh content was completed more than 1 month before the start date of your rotation (find out more here). If the modules were completed more than 1 month before the start of your rotation, they will not be synced with your Horus account.
      • You have multiple NHSE elfh accounts and Horus is connected to one and the modules have been completed in another. You should contact the NHSE elfh helpdesk ( and they will be able to merge the two NHSE elfh accounts into a single account. Once this has been done you should allow 24 hours for the content to start syncing with your Horus account. If this does not happen you should contact the Horus ePortfolio Servicedesk and they will be able to remove the link between your NHSE elfh account and your Horus account.


      If you have ruled out the above reasons you should contact the Horus ePortfolio Servicedesk with a copy of your activity report from NHSE elfh.

  • As a trust administrator, how do I report on NHSE elfh modules completed by FDs?
    • You can see the NHSE elfh modules an individual foundation doctor (FD) has completed by going to the FD's portfolio and selecting the "elfh" sub-menu. Note which NHSE elfh courses can be viewed in Horus.

      To report on NHSE elfh modules completed by all your FDs, you should use the reporting at organisation level functionality in NHSE elfh itself.

      Horus does not offer reporting of NHSE elfh module completion for all FDs at a hospital or trust.

  • HEE elearning for healthcare - General

  • Which NHSE elfh courses are relevant to each curriculum outcome?
    • The NHSE elfh courses considered specifically relevant to each curriculum outcome ('foundation professional capability' or 'FPC') are shown on each foundation doctor's Horus ePortfolio 'Curriculum' page.

      This image shows the e-learnign for health view of the curriculum overview page

      You can select the link next to each FPC and you will be taken directly to the course on the NHSE elfh website.

      Many other NHSE elfh courses may also be relevant and useful to support learning during the foundation programme.

      Learn more about how to link your Horus account to NHSE elfh


  • How do I evidence achievement of other e-learning (not in NHSE elfh)?
    • Any courses that you complete within NHSE elfh can be viewed in Horus. Learn more about how to link your NHSE elfh account to Horus.

      Any courses that you complete on other e-learning platforms (for example, SCRIPT) can be evidenced in Horus in the following way: 

      1. Forms (start new)

      2. Scroll down the page to the "Additional Achievements" section

      3. Create a new "Course / seminar / other learning attended" form

      4. Give the form an appropriately descriptive title

      5. Upload your e-learning certificate / evidence of completion

      6. Complete the other free text parts of the form as appropriate

      7. Save the form

      8. Check the contents and 'Mark as complete' when you're ready

      9. (Optional) Map the form to the relevant section of the curriculum